Monday, 09 July 2007
Jump to: General Pick Availability Purchasing & Pricing Guarantee Profit Calculation Records & Results Odds & Betting Handicappers Email Account General What is the difference between packages and subscriptions? Packages include a single pick or a set of picks. Subscriptions include all picks released for the time frame listed. Pick Availability How do I access my picks? Click the "View Your Picks" button at the bottom of the confirmation page. Picks are also sent via email. You can login to your account at any time to view your picks. What happens to my subscription when a handicapper passes or there are no games in that sport for a day? Your subscription extends for each day picks are not released. What time can I expect the picks each day? At least 30 minutes before game time. Exact release times vary by handicapper. I bought picks, why aren't they showing up? Your subscription is active. Your handicapper has not yet released his picks....
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